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Practical Positivity

Feb 24, 2020

This week, I’m helping you to figure out what’s most important to you, and helping you to prioritise those things. The exercise I share in this episode is a real game changer, and I hope you find it useful!




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Feb 17, 2020

Today we’re digging into a juicy topic - letting go of other people’s opinions! I hope it resonates with some of you and that the tips are useful. 



Coaching - The Joyful Everyday

The Weekly Pep Talk newsletter - sign up now

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Feb 10, 2020

Today we’re talking about self worth, and how a lack of it can get in the way of us living the life we desire. Plus, a reminder that enrolment for Find Your Thing closes this coming Friday!




Find Your Thing - sign up now

Coaching - The Joyful Everyday

The Weekly Pep Talk newsletter - sign up now

Feb 3, 2020

In this episode I’m sharing some tips to help you reconnect with your purpose and find your “thing”. Plus I’m sharing some very exciting news! 




Find Your Thing - sign up now

Coaching - The Joyful Everyday

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